

  1. I wrote a paper about syscall filtering for a software exploitation course.

Programming Blog

Every programmer has a blog these days. The theme of mine is avoiding dilettantism with every entry!

Systems Programming Series

In this series, I re-implement classic systems programming concepts. It is an educational series aimed towards people who want to learn more about the core concepts behind their favorite programs.

  1. bthreads is the Brian/Bad Threading library. It is a toy Linux threading library that implements mutexes using atomic x86 instructions.

  2. btar is a clone(ish) of tar, with support for random access to files in the archive.

  3. bperf is a profiler for C programs.

Technical Shorts

  1. A short opinion about the dangers of using a new JavaScript language feature.

  2. Don't Copy Paste Into a Shell. A message of warning and a proof of why you should never copy text from a website and paste it into your terminal.

  3. My first open source contribution!

  4. Endianness Exists, a short demo of how seemingly portable code can be hamstrung by strange systems.


  1. Density of Coins

  2. Donating to charity?