About Me


portrait of man

I am a computer programmer (at SpaceX) who studied computer science at Brown University. My main areas of interest are computer systems and computer security. Specifically, I like learning about and working with compilers, linkers, and the mechanics of program execution. I am currently focusing on the world of IP and LTE.

I was born in Palo Alto CA in 1998. After college, I lived in Boston for 14 months, but I have returned to the Bay Area.

I like playing guitar and woodworking. In college, I worked for my school as a systems administrator and a teaching assistant.

My main sports are soccer and tennis, but I also like ice skating and basketball.

My email addresses are briiamg@web-scrape-prevention33ycart.nal.com and brian_rb.inmula@ycartweb-scrape-preventionown.edu

Here is an album full of pictures of me.

I used to spend a bunch of time helping people on Stack Overflow, and that is where I learned how to program.

I also like contributing edits to Wikipedia when I can.

I have a LinkedIn account, but no other social media presence.

My public GPG key is here

Some assorted favorites of mine:

Historical FigureSocrates
AnimalDog (or deer)
TimepieceCasio F91-W
File FormatELF
Music GenreBlues
Text Editorvim
Character Encodingus_ascii
Programming LanguageC++
Unix Programman
CorporationTrader Joes Company, Corning Inc.
FontComputer Modern Roman
Standards BodyIETF
Free ServiceWikipedia
Dark WoodWalnut
Light WoodMaple
Numerical Constante
SI UnitAmpere
Date FormatTue Feb 5 23:01:16 EST 2019
EssayThis is Water
Bookhard to say
BandTedeschi Trucks Band
Songs (currently)Grateful Dead, Steely Dan